ECC Summer Camp Recap Week 5: Surfs Up!

Beach vibes were felt throughout the week at our Surfin’ USA camp! This week was full of beachy fun like sand tables, surf boards, and seashells.

In music class, we had fun dancing to “Surfin’ USA”, marching to the song “Red, White and Blue”, jumping up and down for the song “Firework” and singing to “Mr. Sun” and “Baby Shark.” Miss Jennifer makes our music program so lively and fun.

Many campers got to make their own surfboards out of paper plates or foam board. They decorated the surfboards using a combination of paint and shaving cream. You swirl the paint and shaving cream together, press the surfboard on top and then scrape off the excess paint to reveal the patterns. They turned out so bright and colorful! The teachers took pictures of them pretending to surf and then cut those out and glued them to the boards.

For an activity, students studied various seashells using magnifying glasses. There are so many features that make each shell unique. We also put the shells in water to see if they would sink or float.

We ended the week with some delicious red, white and blue Bomb Pop popsicles!


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